Start Your Summer with Professional Mosquito Control
Summer is just around the corner and with the warm summer air comes plenty of household pests, including mosquitoes. Georgia is a haven for these nuisance insects, which means outdoor activities can lose a little bit of their fun when you are constantly swatting and scratching. There’s hope though; professional mosquito control can make your barbeques and pool parties a lot more fun – and comfortable.
Mosquitoes are known Disease Vectors
Mosquitoes are known to carry several disease including the West Nile Virus and the Zika Virus. Both of these are transmitted via the bite of an infected mosquito. West Nile has been in the United States for years and the CDC has a good handle on it. However, Zika Virus is just making its way into the U.S. and some of the effects of this disease are not entirely clear. It is believed though, that Zika Virus can cause devastating brain damage to unborn children; so, pregnant women should be especially careful.

There are other diseases, like malaria, that mosquitoes carry in addition to West Nile and Zika. Other concerns regarding mosquito bites include allergies to mosquito bites and the nuisance they pose to both humans and animals. They can drive you indoors even when the summer fun is calling your name. Professional mosquito control services can help, though, and make it fun to go outside again.
Professional Mosquito Control
Mosquito control services deliver treatment to specific areas on your property. Your technician will inspect your property and advise you of things that attract mosquitoes, such as standing water or dense foliage. They will explain where mosquitoes like to rest and where they like to breed, then advise you on how to back up the mosquito control with preventative maintenance on your property.
The technician will then apply the product to certain areas of your property, concentrating on spots where mosquitoes are likely to be more prevalent. A quality professional mosquito control service delivers a one, two punch; the first targets the adults, the biters. The second targets the larvae and immature mosquitoes so that they don’t grow up into biting, adult mosquitoes.
Mosquito control services can be combined with other residential services to provide a more comprehensive approach to pest control both inside and out. This approach covers nearly every insect that could invade your home and yard. It is a reliable way to help protect your family from diseases that can be transmitted by insects, including mosquitoes.
Don’t let mosquitoes ruin your summer fun. Call North Fulton Pest Solutions to get our professional mosquito control services for your property. We have the knowledge, experience, and access to products that will help get mosquitoes out of your yard. Don’t take chances with the health of your family and pets. Let us help you make your yard a more pleasant place to spend your summer.